Absolutely. It really surprised me. When I look at the PMPRB's annual reports, I'm always surprised that it fails to adjust for inflation, for example, in presenting chronological data on changes in drug spending. It's an amateur mistake. In fact, you can't make that kind of mistake when you present data to the general public. You also can't fail to take into account demographic changes and population growth. That's another frequently committed error. You obviously have to conduct rigorous analyses. That's extremely important.
When you carefully consider data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, which is a parapublic, independent and unbiased body, you see, after adjusting for inflation and population growth, that there hasn't been a sharp increase in spending on prescription medicines. In fact, this is the health expenditure category that has risen the most slowly. It's [Technical difficulty]. In addition, the main reason for this growth in drug expenditure isn't higher prices but rather an increase in consumption. There's a larger quantity of prescription drugs…