Thank you very much.
I also recognize the value of research.
I think it's super important that we continue the path we've been on in terms of reinvesting in research, science and evidence in this country, after a decade of slashing of scientists—in fact, destroying research and science—under the former Harper Conservatives. That's why we put that at the front and centre of our policy in 2015.
Thankfully we had, because we were able to build up the research community over the past four years prior to COVID-19 hitting. We were able to mobilize very quickly our Canadian research community to research not just COVID-19 but the many aspects of COVID-19 that would be, I would say, spill-on effects of living through a global pandemic.
Perhaps I can turn to Dr. Strong to speak about some of that work through the CIHR. He's here today. I think the work that the CIHR has been doing with our research community is critically important.
Dr. Strong.