Yes, but there's still a contradiction.
I'll go back to the importance of delaying implementation to ensure that there isn't any contradiction. There's a consensus on the application of the countries' reference basket. Even the industry is willing to make this concession to get prices down quickly.
I would especially like to see you, Madam Minister, show leadership, set up a discussion table composed of partners and industry representatives to talk about the rest of the implementation of the PMPRB, and perhaps even sit as chair. These participants would include representatives of associations; patients; research; life sciences; the national institute of excellence in health and social services, or INESSS; the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, or CADTH; the pan‑Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance, or pCPA; the PMPRB; and the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Madam Minister, would you be prepared to provide that leadership to ensure a long‑term investment vision for our pharmaceutical industry?