Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I certainly feel that the witnesses have done their job today because they've answered so many questions that [Technical difficulty—Editor] to get to the bottom of this for months in regard to this whole issue of a cover-up and the lack of information the government has given our health committee for these months.
This has been a situation we've been trying to get to the bottom of to find out why we were so late in getting vaccines in Canada and to get the information out of those contracts. It would have given people the confidence to know that we could have been on the same basis as other countries that were vaccinated three months earlier than we were. Many of them have not had the same third wave levels hitting their countries as we've had in this country. That's part of the reason we're still locked down when we're going into July here, Mr. Chair.
I just want to say that I believe this is a very valid motion. We want to make sure that we get to the bottom of it and get a report on this contempt. I don't know what other word to use there. It's just been an obfuscation of responsibility, as far I'm concerned, in regard to making sure that Canadians were well informed on this issue, never mind the fact that even we on the committee didn't get these documents, even in any kind of confidence.
My colleague, Mr. Davies, has made an extremely sound case today for the whole, very good history of what we've just gone through here to bring us to today, yet we still have a government that has some 900,000 pages of information that we haven't received.
I will leave it at that, Mr. Chair. I really do think it's a responsibility of the committee to vote this motion in and try to get that report as quickly as we can so that Canadians can be assured that everything was above board. We know full well that there were many holes in that package.
Thank you.