I'm going to suggest a little bit of scheduling beyond this. Again, this meeting is number eight. Friday we have the minister. That means we have six meetings after this before the holiday break.
Of those remaining six meetings, I am going to suggest that four of them be allocated to the COVID study and two to the PMPRB study, for a couple of reasons. We did pass a motion to study the PMPRB issue concurrently, which means at the same time, but that motion also required us to have a minimum of four meetings. If we have four meetings on PMPRB before Christmas, we would only have two meetings on COVID. I think that's not a justified allocation of time, considering again that the House of Commons has directed us to study COVID and that it's a far more pressing public health concern. I think we'd all agree on that. As important as PMPRB might be, along with dozens of other health care issues, it certainly is not more important than the COVID pandemic gripping our country.
I don't think we could hold all four PMPRB meetings and get a study done before the holiday season anyway. That would mean we'd have to basically allocate all six of our meetings to PMPRB before the holidays, which would mean this committee wouldn't be dealing with COVID until the end of January or February, which is, in my opinion, absurd.
That's what I'm going to suggest as a path forward to allow us to achieve everything we wanted to achieve, which is to get started on COVID and do the work Canadians want us to do, get started on the PMPRB study concurrently, and provide a fair process whereby all parties can address their issues.
I'm going to end by saying the reason I think the Liberals should go first is that they are the government. They have the largest number of seats, so I think it's only fair that it go in the order I proposed: Liberal, Conservative, Bloc, NDP. It mirrors the number of seats in the House of Commons, and I don't see how we could construct any fairer approach to getting under way. I sincerely hope we can pass this motion swiftly because, as I said before, it's already mid-November, and we haven't even started hearing from any witnesses on the health committee. I think I speak for all of us when I say we'd all like to do that and commence that.
The reason I want to pass it quickly now is so that we can get started. If this motion does pass today, we can have the topics by Wednesday. We'll know the Liberals' first choice by Wednesday, and then on Monday we can take a little bit of time to perhaps settle on the number of meetings, get the witnesses in and commence the study. Maybe in the time after that, we can get started on the PMPRB study.
I'll conclude by saying that of the six meetings, I don't think it matters which four are COVID and which two are PMPRB, but we can proceed in whatever way is most efficient for the committee.
Thanks to my colleagues for considering the motion.