I think it's really important to clarify. I think that everybody agrees, and I want us all to be on the same page. I want to reassure Ms. Rempel Garner that the motion reads very clearly that we will be picking the priorities of each party and then going in turn.
The other thing is that perhaps I shouldn't have ventured into the number of meetings. You are right, Mr. Chair, that this motion does not speak to the number of meetings that we allocate at this point. It allows us to set those. All it obligates us to do is to have our priority issues in by Wednesday, and then next week we can determine how many meetings we will allocate.
I also wanted to reassure Ms. Rempel Garner that the number of meetings that are attributed to each issue is to be determined by majority vote of this committee. It just sets out a minimum of one and a maximum of four.
Once we determine what the issues are, then we will have an opportunity to discuss how many meetings will be allocated to that particular issue. We'll settle that by a majority vote.
I hope we can pass this motion now so that we can have a path forward. I think it will satisfy everyone at this point.