Mr. Chair, there have been some audio problems that have affected my ability to vote. At times, I do not hear the clerk make the call, because I listen to him through the interpretation and the sound level is too low when he asks me to vote.
In addition, there is a delay before I hear the interpretation. I think I am the only one who needs the interpretation when the time comes to vote. I checked in chapter 20 of the House of Commons Procedure and Practice and I feel that our committee is the only one that works as we are currently doing in terms of voting. It seems that there is an inherent delay that is preventing me from hearing properly and being ready when the call to vote is made. I am humbly making you aware of this problem with the interpretation.
In addition, it clearly asks that the names of members be read in alphabetical order and by political affiliation. But according to tradition, the majority opposition parties come first and then the minority parties. That's what we did before this session anyway. I would ask that we return to a voting order by majority party; it would solve my problem with the delay in the interpretation, and would put us in line with all the other standing committees of the House.