Thank you very much.
Before I get to your points of order, I want to mention that we're meeting today for the PMPRB. I should point out that on Friday we have the minister and officials scheduled for two hours. That will be televised. I'm hopeful that we can get squared away on a PMPRB study today so that we could start next week.
The analysts have indicated that in order for us to do a study and do a report, if we can get our meetings done and get instructions to them by the December 11, they'll be able to do a report that we can consider once we come back after the break.
It would be extremely difficult to get a report tabled by December 11. It is possible, but it would require a great deal of effort on behalf of the analysts, and it would restrict what we could table in the report.
In any case, if we can get squared away on the witnesses or the work plan for the PMPRB study, I would propose that we would have the first meeting next Monday, and possibly a second meeting on Tuesday. If we could do two weeks on PMPRB, it would give us time to get squared away on our House study. Hopefully at some point today we can move on to that and get that organized as well.
Now, I believe Monsieur Thériault has raised his hand on a point of order.
Monsieur Thériault, please go ahead.