The member is absolutely right. The impact of the pandemic, although we're all in it together, has different factors for different groups. One thing we have seen is the anti-Black racism that many people from the community have spoken about. It's not just during the context of the pandemic, clearly, but as part of their everyday experience.
Groups that are racialized, stigmatized, as a result of their backgrounds and their experiences.... It is a public health threat. That is why we're investing $10 million through the mental health of Black Canadians fund. This funding will support 16 community-based projects across the country doing very important work to support Black Canadians in these challenging times.
We've also extended applications specifically for projects to support Black LGBTQ2+ Canadians, which is another gap, by the way, that's very specific and very unique. Again, this is really about supporting organizations and community projects that are run by Black Canadians for Black Canadians and of course have the opportunity to help support people who are struggling in this particular time.