I think you're right. It's such exciting news for the world that there are vaccines that are starting to demonstrate high degrees of effectiveness. Of course, it's early days still, but we have one of the strongest vaccine portfolios in the world and, again, the vaccine task force has been guiding our way.
The members of the task force are volunteers on top of that. They come from all kinds of diverse backgrounds. That might include virology, the business sector or experts in the pharmaceutical sector. I think that blend of expertise has really been helpful for Canada.
As you know, we have been working closely with provincial and territorial partners on the issue of vaccines and how we will deploy them. Some of the vaccines have very challenging logistical considerations. We will be supporting provinces and territories to make sure they have in place what they need to store these vaccines and transport them safely.
While I know provinces are excited to get doses and talk about numbers, we are still in discussions right now with the provinces and territories about how we'll share the doses as they arrive. It's very important that we do this together, because we want it to be fair.
Of course, we've done this before with things like personal protective equipment and rapid tests. I have every confidence that we'll work out an agreement with provinces and territories that ensures that we can protect Canadians and that the federal government can protect the populations for which we have a responsibility.