On that note, one criticism voiced by a number of stakeholders is that the new rules change the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, or PMPRB, from an excessive price regulator to a price-setting regulator. I understand that your response brings us to this point. They claim that you're taking their place without having the jurisdiction to do so and without establishing parameters to help set a price that aligns better with a comprehensive vision. This is a basic criticism.
The collective network says that it would be necessary to hold further consultations; to carry out the implementation in more gradual stages, starting with the basket of existing comparator countries; to gradually introduce pharmaco-economic factors; and to create a multi-stakeholder evaluation and monitoring committee because the process must be more objective. According to the network, and this surprised me, it's important to maintain the confidentiality of the agreements, which the court seems to still be protecting.
What do you think about this? Would you be open to the idea?