No. The November 2019 draft that we initially consulted on had a $60,000 cost-per-QALY maximum. However, following the extensive consultations that we had with our stakeholders over the course of the ensuing three or four months, we opted to raise that threshold to $200,000 per QALY.
The reality is that we have a cap on the extent of the price reduction, so the degree of cap is a function of how good the drug is, the therapeutic benefit of the drug. The maximum cap on the price reduction would be 50%. For a breakthrough drug, it would be 20%, so as a result of the cap, even new high-cost drugs that don't meet that $200,000-per-QALY threshold, which is a very generous threshold, would still be able to pass our price ceiling because the cap has the effect of increasing the cost-per-QALY threshold.
It's a lot of information that I'm throwing at you, but if you look in the guidelines, you'll see a threshold of $200,000 per QALY.