While $10 million may be a relatively small investment, it is enabling us to build a highly focused national research engine for ovarian cancer. We were also able to leverage the federal government's investment and attract more than $4.5 million in additional funding from research partners and two provincial governments, building in total a $14.5-million research program.
In just five years, Ovarian Cancer Canada has yielded an impressive return on the federal government's investment, fuelling research in six provinces resulting in five transformative clinical trials, 13 innovative preclinical studies and 25 projects on ovarian cancer model development, allowing scientists to test and identify more novel treatments in new ways.
In addition, we will soon be funding two translational clinical research projects that are aimed to improve and expand treatment options for women with ovarian cancer. We are now on the cusp of bringing new treatment strategies to Canada.
For ovarian cancer to be preventable, curable and ultimately eradicated, the federal government must continue and increase its investment in innovative, highly focused, comprehensive national research into this disease.
Ovarian Cancer Canada is leading the way in propelling crucial breakthroughs from the bench to the bedside faster. This work must be prioritized to change the trajectory of ovarian cancer in this country.
Ovarian Cancer Canada applauds the government's commitment to women's health.
Thank you.