I'm glad that Dr. Sayani got to speak first because this was exactly what I was thinking. Again, going back to rural settings, it takes a village to get somebody through a cancer diagnosis and treatment, and that's what I find my patients mostly rely on. It's obviously out of the goodness of peoples' hearts, but we can build on that. We can put in place programs that support people who are willing to offer, say, drives to people who do not have access to a vehicle or cannot afford a vehicle, and compensate them for that, compensate them for their time.
The same thing applies to, say, meals for somebody who's getting treatment and having a program in place to make sure that they have enough nourishment, especially when we're talking about seniors. As we all know, cancer is a diagnosis of the elderly.
I agree with what Dr. Sayani said. We need to think outside the box and build more on the strength that comes from our community.