One of the big things we need to work on is providing free accommodation—free housing. Just as you mentioned, a lot of people can't afford to do that 10-hour round trip. They can't afford to stay overnight to get their five- or six-hour treatment. Having accommodation available, attached or very close to cancer centres or cancer clinics would help mitigate a lot of that, with all the supports that come with it, such as a social worker to help with the financial part, as I mentioned before, and a psychologist to help with that.
I'll give you an example. In the two centres here in New Brunswick that give radiation therapy, they have free hostels where the patient can stay, because radiation can go on for weeks, Monday to Friday. It's a five-minute treatment, but people cannot keep on going back and forth every day, five days a week for five or six weeks, so they are offered free stays during the week, but they're not open on weekends.
The same thing should apply to other treatments—