Welcome to meeting no. 107 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the Standing Orders. In accordance with our routine motion, I'm informing the committee that all remote participants have completed the required connection tests in advance of the meeting.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee is studying the subject matter of supplementary estimates (C), 2023-24: vote 1c under Canadian Food Inspection Agency, vote 5c under Canadian Institutes of Health Research, votes 1c and 10c under Department of Health, and vote 10c under Public Health Agency of Canada.
I'd like to welcome our first panel of witnesses.
Joining us for the first hour is the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health.
As well, we welcome the officials accompanying him today. From the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, we have Diane Allan, associate vice-president, policy and programs. From the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, we have Catherine MacLeod, acting president; and Jimmy Fecteau, chief financial officer. From the Department of Health, we have Dr. Stephen Lucas, deputy minister; Eric Costen, associate deputy minister; Michelle Boudreau, associate assistant deputy minister, strategic policy branch; and Karen Stewart, director general, resource management and advisory services directorate. From the Public Health Agency of Canada, we have Heather Jeffrey, president; and Martin Krumins, vice-president and chief financial officer.
There's such a vast number of officials here in support of the minister that not all are seated at the table, but if any are required to respond to one of the questions posed by members of Parliament, they'll simply approach the table.
With that by way of introduction, we welcome Minister Holland and invite him to make his opening remarks for up to five minutes.
Welcome, Minister. You have the floor.