You're absolutely right.
Major depression and postpartum psychosis are probably the two mental health conditions that have received the most media attention, the most research, etc. They are the two conditions that people know the most about. Postpartum depression, as a major depressive disorder, affects approximately 6% of new moms, versus anxiety disorders, which affect 21%. All of the research and attention that have been given to depression and to psychosis are well deserved. That's lovely. However, we have not spent any amount of time really giving attention to these anxiety difficulties that are much more common.
A starting point is even just naming this. I will often speak to people who say they had postpartum. They don't even qualify what kind of postpartum. There's the assumption that it was depression. If you go into a physician's office and they start asking you about depression and you have some elevated symptoms of depression, it is quite possible the reason you're depressed is because you're suffering from an anxiety disorder that nobody's asked about and nobody has talked about, and yet you're being diagnosed with depression because a consequence of that disorder is depressed mood, but it's not on anyone's radar.
We need some increased public information about that so that people are more aware that it exists. Someone earlier spoke about prenatal education. Information about what that looks like is really important, as is additional dedicated research so we can learn more about this. It's important to look at whether people are informed and what we can do to ensure that new parents come into this with better information.