What I want to do is explain how Sara and all the women feel because there's no law in our country.
It's one thing to be dehumanized by your family or traffickers, or in prostitution or pornography. However, it's another to be dehumanized by your country. They are told by their country that.... Sara endured 20,000 rapes by the age of 20. If we want to call that assault in our country, that is a grave injustice to her. It reinforces that she's an “it” and that nobody will ever believe her. How do we say that women in conflict who are gang-raped were tortured but that in our country for Sara, who was gang-raped, or for women who were gang-raped after a hockey game, it's assault and not torture? The injustice is that we're telling them that they're not as important. It's a form of discrimination that they live with every day.