I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 109 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health.
I would give a friendly reminder to everyone to ensure that you put you earpiece a bit of a distance from the microphone so that it doesn't cause feedback and potential injury.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted on May 16, 2022, the committee will be resuming its study of women's health.
Before I welcome our witnesses, I want to provide this trigger warning. We will be discussing experiences related to violence and assault. This may be triggering to viewers with similar experiences. If you feel distressed or if you need help, please advise the clerk.
I would like to now welcome our panel of witnesses. Appearing as an individual, we have Dr. Nichole Fairbrother, clinical associate professor, department of family practice at the University of British Columbia. On behalf of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, we have Dr. Liisa Galea, senior scientist and Treliving chair, women's mental health. Representing the Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre, we have Jocelyn Enright, coordinator, community engagement, communications and fundraising. On behalf of Persons Against Non-State Torture, we have Linda MacDonald, co-founder, and Jeanne Sarson, co-founder.
Welcome to all of our witnesses. You'll have five minutes for your opening statements.
We'll begin with Dr. Fairbrother.