Thank you, Adam. Thank you for referring to your former life. It would be hard for most of us to have the type of active living that you had when you were slightly younger. That would be a standard that, I think, would be of some concern to some of us.
You are correct. I have my five objectives as well: sleeping well, eating well, exercising, looking after my family, and spending some time with friends. When I do those five things, I feel fine.
It's all about recognizing, as you said, that COVID-19 has been hard on all of those five things, especially sleeping well and eating well. You're at home, and not necessarily always happy to cook your own food, so you cheat and buy fast food more often. Exercising is not necessarily the best option when you have to stay home. Spending time with your friends is, obviously, also complicated with COVID-19. Looking after your family, when everyone feels a bit stressed, is perhaps the right thing to do but not always straightforward.
I think the healthy food guide is something that we need to promote more often to better connect it to healthy living. That will increase mental health and physical health, combined together. Without physical health or mental health, there is no health. We as leaders, and you as a very global person, can show the way forward.