Prior to decriminalization, if someone was using drugs in a problematic circumstance—for example, at a playground, bus shelter or beach—community members were able to call 911. Police were able to attend and address that circumstance.
The vast majority of drug users—I've done three tours of duty in the downtown East Side and can assure you of this—have no interest in using drugs around youth and children, for example. However, when those circumstances do arise, it's very important that police have the tools to address them. In the wake of decriminalization, there are many locations where we have absolutely no authority to address problematic drug use because the person appears to be in possession of less than 2.5 grams and they are not in a place that is an exception to the exemption.
We had three exceptions added to the exemption last year in September, which was helpful. They include skate parks and playgrounds. There were a few other exceptions added, so we now have nine exceptions to the exemption. The reality is that there are still a number of other situations in which the public has significant concerns about problematic drug use. When that happens, if it's not in a place that's an exception to the exemption, there's nothing police can do. It is not a police matter in the absence of any other criminal behaviour. If somebody has their family at the beach and there's a person next to them smoking crack cocaine, it's not a police matter, because a beach currently is not an exception to the exemption.
That's what we were hoping to have addressed through a public consumption act. The thing I liked about the bill was that it did not further criminalize people by virtue of their drug use; rather, it required police to ask people to leave. It was their refusal to leave that would have introduced criminal sanctions, as in obstruction. I thought it was a very good balance between what we had previously under the CDSA. It's respecting the rights of people who use drugs but also ensuring that people in our community feel safe. I think that's a very important issue.