That is a complex question that I probably will not have enough time to answer.
Dopamine has two facilities in the neighbourhood. Earlier, there was mention of a park across from our organization. That is our primary facility in the Hochelaga‑Maisonneuve neighbourhood and it is our day centre. Dopamine has been in that house since 2013. Across from that facility, there is a park and affordable housing. There is an ongoing coexistence with the community. We want to ensure that no syringes are left lying around and that there is harmonious coexistence.
Dopamine's supervised injection service is located somewhere else, on Ontario Street. In Quebec, we have CLSCs, community health centres that provide health care services. Our organization has space at a CLSC that is open in the evening. There is a secondary school nearby. However, since Dopamine's activities at that location are held in the evening, there is no coexistence or friction. There is always honest communication between us, school stakeholders, people in the area and people in the community, whether about the Dopamine facility on Ontario Street or the facility on Sainte‑Catherine.
I will try to answer the other part of your question quickly.
As far as the relationship with the local police forces is concerned, Dopamine has always had a communication relationship that is at the very least administrative with the local police force. The goal is to ensure that the officers understand our mission and what we are trying to do in the community, and to prevent incidents.
Communication is key on many levels. As I said in my presentation, Dopamine has been integrated in the community for more than 30 years now. Its presence is welcome in the community. Dopamine existed and was involved in the community long before it started offering supervised consumption services. We have always maintained communication with the public and with officials, whether about health care, police services or security.