In terms of the data that Michelle was referring to, it's the Health Canada regulatory standard of 300 calendar days service, and that is met over 99% of the time. As Michelle mentioned, there are expedited routes in there as well.
Further on the detail of the rest of the drug approval process, there is the health technology assessment approval process. I will be referring to the report by the Conference Board of Canada, “Access and Time to Patient”. That's the data I'll be referencing. It's a January 2024 product. It identifies that the time to review a product following a notice of compliance from Health Canada through the former CADTH is 246 days. That's 2022 data. The average time spent for products that were waiting to be engaged by the pCPA after—this is CADTH data only, as I don't have it for the INESSS—was 172 days in 2022, with an average time spent in the pCPA negotiations of 189 days.
There are different sources on what that total time is. You've referenced a data point that, as we said, we don't have in front of us. We have from 736 to, as another data source I have suggests, 900, but each of those steps is performing a function and....
I'm sorry.