I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 116 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health.
Before we begin, I'd like to ask all members to consult the cards on the table for guidelines on preventing audio feedback incidents.
Please take note of the following preventive measures that are in place to protect the health and safety of all participants, including the interpreters: Please use only the black approved earpiece. The former grey earpieces must no longer be used. Please keep your earpiece away from all microphones at all times. When you're not using your earpiece, place it face down on the sticker on the table for this purpose. Thank you for your co-operation.
Pursuant to the order of reference adopted by the House of Commons last night, the committee is commencing its study of Bill C-64, an act respecting pharmacare.
As was indicated in the memo that was sent out this morning, I'd like to remind members that amendments to Bill C-64 must be submitted to the clerk of the committee by 4 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow, Friday, May 24, 2024.
It's important for members to note that pursuant to the order adopted by the House yesterday, the 4 p.m. deadline to submit amendments is firm. This means that any amendments submitted to the clerk after the deadline and any amendments moved from the floor during clause-by-clause consideration of the bill will not be considered by the committee.
Colleagues, we also have a budget for the study of Bill C-64 that I propose to present to you after we hear from all the witnesses this evening.
Without further ado, I'd like to now welcome our first panel of witnesses.
We have with us the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health. He's accompanied by officials from the Department of Health. They are Michelle Boudreau, associate assistant deputy minister, strategic policy branch, and Daniel MacDonald, director general, office of pharmaceutical management strategies, strategic policy branch.
Minister Holland will be with us for an hour, and the officials will stay on until five o'clock.
Without further ado, welcome to the committee, Minister. You can now go ahead with your opening statement for the next five minutes.