Thank you. This is a wonderful question. I think it's a piece of the puzzle that we all need to pay attention to.
I would come back to the need across Canada for a comprehensive national sexual health survey that's iteratively and regularly administered so that we can disaggregate and understand where we can target education programs and where we can target outreach health systems that can get to those populations that inequitably aren't able to understand the knowledge, the methods and the services they require to achieve their own reproductive health goals.
To have the ability to address a problem, we first need to understand it. To understand it, we need to measure it. I think the baseline sexual health survey that will go out this year will provide a lot of data for the government on where we could be going, but it won't help us understand how this bill and other future efforts by the government in terms of the amazing work the government's been doing to advance sexual and reproductive health through Health Canada.... These impacts need to be measured as we go forward.