This is fundamental. We have to have patients at the table and fully involved in the discussions. That hasn't happened too much up to this point. With the limited debate, as a former politician, I'm concerned about limited debates, but that's the decision that was made.
We have to get out in the community and we have to get concrete. We need to talk to patients, and I would say we should set up a large education program. We should start a full engagement discussion, and Diabetes Canada would be pleased to help. However, we should also sit down and—again, speaking as former provincial politician—talk to the provinces and say, here's the direction we want to go in. We want to try to fix this for vulnerable Canadians. How would you do it in your province?
I mentioned one in terms of Quebec, the province I come from, but we work with each and every province. That's why I mentioned, in my remarks, that we should build on the creativity and diversity of our health care systems across the country in both the provinces and the territories.