If someone is using an illicit substance in a public place, the police authorities may intervene, might take this person to the police station, apprehend the substance or substances that he or she has and weigh it. If the amount of the illicit drug that the person has with him is more than what's considered adequate for personal use for 10 days, there's the presumption that this person is smuggling drugs, trafficking drugs, so he or she will be sent into the criminal system as before.
If the person has less than that amount, adequate for personal use for 10 days, they are just sent to present before an administrative body called the Commissions for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction, which is a body under the Ministry of Health that has the power to apply administrative sanctions, similar to those that are used for traffic problems such as not using a safety belt or things like that.
The main task of that commission, which is composed of health personnel, is to assess what kinds of needs this person has related to drug use. If he or she is an addicted person, they are invited to join the treatment facility and the commission has the possibility to facilitate the affair and to make it very simple.