Briefly, we need a comprehensive drug strategy that includes safe options for people with opioid dependence, one that includes a much stronger focus on programs and interventions that are going to stop young people from using any drug. A young intoxicated person is much more likely to try other substances, for example. What is circulating currently on the streets and on the Internet is extremely dangerous for young people.
The last thing I would say is that it's not just safe supply clinics that have contributed to circulating opioids. It is also day surgeries and the prescription of short-acting pain relief medication for pain management. That was the beginning of the opioid crisis. It then caused people to transition to other, more potent forms because they were underdiagnosed for their dependence on opioids, then undertreated.
This has been a 30-year problem that has evolved and morphed into a very complex situation that requires a comprehensive approach to its treatment.