That's an excellent question, given that the actual drugs on the street are no longer the classic French Connection heroin.
First of all, I would argue that we need either extended hours for safe consumption sites or more, so that we can get people off the street to where they can use safely and where we can have eyes on them to tend to all the other health care problems they actually need....
Also, it's the way people are using drugs now on the street. As people who use drugs age, they have fewer and fewer veins in which to inject, so they're doing different things with the drugs they have. They either take them orally, which doesn't give them the same high, so they have to take more, or they're smoking or inhaling them, which makes them extremely rapid in onset. That avoids going into a safe consumption site to find a vein to inject.
As people are growing older in their lives and using drugs because of all the other things that are influencing them, they're losing veins, so they're changing the way they actually use drugs. That is actually problematic because they're smoking their fentanyl, their crystal meth and their crack on the street. I can't bring them into a safe consumption site because of the law around where you can and can't smoke, particularly indoors. It's just like smokers at a bar. You can't smoke at a bar in a restaurant, so you go outside. Well, that's exactly what's happening.