Thank you, MP MacGregor.
I imagine it's about being informed at the moment of injury. At the time, there was a maximum of eight physiotherapy sessions at the hospital. If you advocated with your family practitioner.... Most family practitioners, apparently, didn't know about it at the time, so I did that. I imagine being at the hospital and having all those doctors in emergency and my family practitioner being informed about what those potential collaborations could be, such as referrals to physiotherapy in an ongoing way, or perhaps referrals to a case manager or a system navigator to help me figure out what to do. Do I quit my job, if I can't do it? What if my doctor is saying I should go back? I imagine having someone to talk to who could help me make sense of what decisions I should make and what the consequences of them may be, and having connection to mental health supports that maybe I don't have to pay out of pocket for.
The sky is the limit on how we can collaborate among different practices, especially if we do so nationally so that there is a best practice standard of care we can all aim towards.