Yes, of course. I am always pleased to talk about our work.
First of all, a lot of my research focuses on very young children, babies and preschool children. Today we have talked a lot about concussions from sports, but I want to remind the committee that head injuries occur at all ages. Children up to the age of five actually have the highest rate of head injuries, comparable to the rate in young adults. We are not talking about teenagers or older adults, but very young children. This fact is not well known, and I am not referring to head injuries from sports. They are the result of falls. Children fall down stairs, from change tables, grocery carts or scooters, for instance.
So a lot of our work focuses on this subgroup that has long been overlooked. We are very far behind in our knowledge about the effects of such injuries on very young children. So we are in the process of establishing initiatives compatible with Bill C‑277. Just last week, we launched a website with educational tools to raise awareness of this problem and to help people detect the signs of concussion in young children. The website also provides information about treatment, of course, which requires parents to help these very young and vulnerable children in their recovery.
We are also establishing digital health tools. For school-aged children and teens, our approaches are based on tools such as virtual reality and educational games, because we know that young people today have to be engaged by tools that are interesting to them. Those are the treatments and interventions we use for their rehabilitation, together with clinicians who have an overview of recovery in young people.