I believe the criminal justice system should actually be a little bit more strict. It should really crack the whip down on these drug dealers and people who are selling drugs, especially to children. I believe the revolving door that's happening in this system is failing us. Criminals are getting locked up for a couple of months, tops, and then they're back out. They just keep doing it, back and forth, nonstop. They don't care: they're making money. It's all about money.
I believe stricter policies should shut this revolving door. If they are caught doing it more than once, there should be an indefinite suspension. They should be kept there, because these are the people who are killing our children. I feel that the policies in place right now need to be really updated a lot. I feel that the justice system needs to stand strong and stand by the people who matter, and that is the parents of these children who are dying.