That's a very good question.
First of all, you're right; it's not everybody. It's almost everybody when we include medications over a lifetime. It's really rare that somebody uses neither alcohol, coffee, tobacco nor medications, but it's not everyone who uses.
Yes, I've reflected on that. I don't have all of the time I need here to explain my journey, but it's certainly not to glorify drugs. It's really to destigmatize and change the representations. I say this because all of what we see is completely distorted from reality, because there are a lot of people using. Even healthy, active people in our society, contributing taxpayers, judges, police officers, lawyers, journalists and politicians use drugs. Until we just speak the truth, we will be very bad at doing what we need to do in addressing this complex reality.
As Dr. de Villa said, it's a complex thing. We need complex solutions and a nuanced discussion. I don't want to say, neither.... And maybe that is the problem around these debates. We're not nuanced; it's either good or bad. We need to be nuanced. It's not to glorify drug use.