I would offer this. On the hesitation we are having in accepting Mr. Naqvi's changes to this, I would hope that, should this amendment be amended or be rejected, this bill, out of spite, and Mr. Naqvi's anger or frustration that his amendments aren't being passed.... I would hope that this doesn't flavour whether the government supports or doesn't support post committee appearance. Our colleagues have been in support of it. I would hope that the fact that a couple of their amendments did not pass does not flavour their final vote on this bill, because this is a common-sense bill. Whether it's 18 months or a year, let's get this done. Canada does not have a national brain injury strategy.
Mr. Naqvi, you could have the legacy of being the first government to do that or you could have the legacy of dithering and delaying it.
I'll leave that with you, Mr. Chair. I will be voting against this amendment.