Certainly, the Auditor General did take a comprehensive look at the system with respect to natural health products and raised a number of issues. We've accepted all of those and have endeavoured to make improvements.
Vanessa's Law goes part of the way to improving the system. I think the ability to mandate a recall in exceptional circumstances for serious and imminent threats and the ability to compel a change to a label, again, if it's serious, are very important. Having fines and penalties without having regulatory requirements, without having that regulatory backstop of appropriate fines and penalties, which before Vanessa's Law were only $5,000, makes the system rather toothless. There are also other provisions that we haven't yet put into force with respect to reporting adverse drug reactions, terms and conditions, and other tools.
With those tools, it does go a certain way to improving the system. I think there are still other modifications and improvements that can be made. We've talked to the committee about some of those other initiatives. That's separate from what we're talking about today.
Certainly, Vanessa's Law does move the bar in terms of bringing the regulation of natural health products up to a minimum standard that we would expect for all therapeutic products in Canada.