I don't know. In fairness, there's been an enormous amount of misinformation, and that misinformation has created a lot of fear in businesses.
When I actually talk to small businesses that are in this space, I explain Vanessa's Law: If they're compliant, or even trying to be compliant, they have nothing to fear. This is good for their business, and they're fully supportive of it.
This is one of the reasons I'm talking so plainly today. We have to cut through the misinformation. It's really doing an enormous amount of damage. By the way, the false and misleading claims are.... We have to have a conversation at this committee regarding all the claims about products that cure cancer. Just to pick on that as an example, there are people who take products thinking they will cure their cancer, and they avoid traditional treatments. I don't mind you using something in conjunction with your traditional treatment, but you should be talking to your physician about that. When companies are making boldfaced false claims, that can change consumer behaviour in a way that's injurious to their health.
That's what I'm concerned about here. This false argument that somehow it hurts the economy to have strong regulation is malarkey. We know the natural health products.... I hear from consumers all the time. They like to buy their products from Canada, because they know they're well regulated. They know that what's in the bottle is going to be safe, and that they can trust what's in there. What a marketing opportunity. What an advantage over other countries. Why would we want to lose that? Why would we ever do anything to undercut that? We would be taking away one of the greatest competitive advantages that we have, which allows so many different Canadian companies in this space to be booming.
I am their biggest ally. I want them to succeed. I want them to be selling more all around the world. It is my deep and heartfelt belief that having strong regulations and protecting those products is exactly how we get it done.