Mr. Calkins did testify before this committee. He wasn't wrong to say that there are other provisions and tools that Health Canada can take.
I think it would be very helpful for this committee to understand each of those three cases, which seem to be the egregious ones. No one disagrees that the vast majority of companies in Canada work in a very responsible way. They believe in the natural health product industry. They want to make sure that they're offering the best-quality product. In the vast majority of cases, they comply voluntarily.
I think it's important for the committee to understand and for us to know, in those rare cases—one in a hundred, from the statistics that we seem to have before us—what other tools Health Canada has employed against the companies that simply refuse to be compliant and essentially stain the reputation of all the other companies, which are complying.
I want to come back to public notices, because you spoke earlier about the impact of delays. In those 31 cases, it appears that there were delays in the companies that were voluntarily complying. Can you give us a sense of the average length of time when a company didn't comply with an initial voluntary recall but then did comply once Health Canada provided a public warning?