Thanks very much, Mr. Chair.
Those of us on this side of the House are not afraid of not getting a report done. It would appear that we have a whole year to do this. I would suggest that we should be able to get this done in a year, unless our friends know something that we don't know, which of course is very possible.
It would also appear that, much to the chagrin of many Canadians, and behind the back of Conservatives, the Liberals and NDP are once again teaming up to move the fixed election date by one week so that many people can get their pensions who perhaps are not even deserving of one—present company notwithstanding, maybe.
That being said, should we do an incomplete study because we're afraid that there may or may not be an election? My goodness, we on this side of the House have been hoping for an election for two years at least—probably three years, to be honest—but we still haven't had one on behalf of Canadians.
However, enough of that. I'm certainly ready to vote on the motion. I know that our team is as well.