Thank you very much for these very interesting questions. In fact, we have some preliminary answers to these questions.
First of all, in terms of risk factors, there is certainly a link with the severity of the acute illness. So if it's more severe, you're more likely to have long-term complications. That said, even patients with less severe disease or even an asymptomatic infection can develop long COVID.
With regard to other risk factors, we certainly see more women. We also see an association with type 2 diabetes, as well as [Technical difficulty—Editor]. One study showed an association with a history of asthma, a history of mental health problems, as well as several comorbidities prior to infection.
In more recent papers, which are more basic in nature, we see associations with certain autoantibodies— we're getting into the research area—with viremia, that is, the presence of an elevated SARS‑CoV‑2 viral load in the blood, as well as with reactivation of EBV, the Epstein‑Barr virus. These are examples.
There is a team, in Germany, that has developed a tool to calculate risk that involves using some clinical data, which I've already told you about, combined with total blood immunoglobulin measurements.
That's the state of the art on risk factors.