Yes, the social determinants of health are closely linked to several aspects of the overdose crisis. For example, research is starting to show links to difficult socio-economic conditions. Housing is one thing that's hugely problematic across Canada right now, as you know. There are also links to poverty and mental and physical illness. These factors combine to exacerbate substance use problems.
Many factors are involved. In Quebec, the Comité Maison de chambres de Québec, a last bastion against homelessness for some, can no longer meet the need. Unfortunately, various social coexistence issues may have more to do with these social determinants than with drug use per se. That's on top of the shortage of spaces in places that house these people.
It's important to address all these aspects of the problem to get a comprehensive understanding of the crisis. Witnesses have said as much today. People's basic needs must be met, and there has to be access to treatment and follow-up, as well as ongoing research on that.