Thank you very much, Dr. Vogel.
I think it's important out there that Canadians understand that those treatment beds and those other supports do not exist in Canada. I think the other important point is, that, as I said, simply giving people who are actively struggling with addiction Dilaudid eight-milligram tablets—30 of those at a time—realistically amounts to palliative care: “Please go out and use those as you wish or sell them in a diversion manner.” We also know that that's not terribly helpful.
Certainly, the model you're talking about, in the parlance here in Canada historically with methadone, we would understand that people develop a therapeutic relationship with practitioners and then have that ability for, as we call it here, “carries” or take-home doses, when they become more stable in their addiction and have that therapeutic relationship.
I think one of the other things—and certainly I know you'll correct me if I'm wrong—is that fentanyl has not been a significant problem in Europe. Is that a true statement, Dr. Vogel?