Don't abandon your children. There is always hope. When it's the bleakest, when it's the darkest, go alongside them. Walk in their shoes.
Walk beside them, see what they see and know what they know. Bring them into whatever facility and support there can be, where there's dialogue, where there's a counsellor, where there's someone who can become a listening post and who can generate whatever resources are available. It's the only way.
We have to pound on the door of the services available to us and bring our kids with us. Don't leave them behind. Join them in their misery, because you need to be witness to it. You need to speak when they can't. In my case, Jordan was not able to describe in any real way, except to me, privately, the terror of what he was experiencing. He couldn't express it in public or in a counselling session of any kind.
We need to be there for them, and we can see them through to a better place, along with the aid of doctors like Daniel Vigo and the change in our B.C. government's intentions here, it seems, although I have no evidence that there are going to be new and effective beds made available for involuntary care. If that were to occur, there would be a significant change.
I just pray for that day. We need it. Our children are dying.