We're trying to come up with recommendations out of this committee. With that in mind, I think certainly one thing we want to do is reduce the number of deaths due to overdose and try to help people get their lives back on track.
I would suggest that one thing I'm thinking of in coming up with recommendations is how we address the deteriorating situation we see in so many downtown cores, where you have increased numbers of homeless people and people with clear psychiatric problems and substance abuse problems.
Dr. Knight and Dr. Vigo, how much do you think we would benefit from having more ACT teams, with psychiatrists who could assess and, where appropriate, put people on long-term antipsychotics if necessary? Is part of the equation that we ought to be trying to gear up those services and to address the mental health issues we see on the street?
We'll go to Dr. Knight and then Dr. Vigo. Please make it quick, because I have a couple of other questions, too.