Thank you.
As the first order, for any person—and I know you would share it in my heart, and you would share it in yours—who loses a family member, it is devastating. We need to use science, data and evidence to provide solutions, not emotions and not fake policies. We have to provide real answers, and that's what we will offer—true science-based, evidence-based decisions to save people's lives.
If you take scurvy—and I'll just finish on this, because you want to talk about facts—somebody who's so food insecure that they have scurvy doesn't drive around in a car. They don't pay the carbon tax, but you would take away their cheque. You would take away the benefit they get every single quarter that helps them pay for groceries. That's what you would do. You would leave them less secure and in a more vulnerable position.
Sir, those are the facts.