The answer I was looking for was yes.
How do you organize coordination between your interdepartmental plan and Quebec's, for example? It takes forever to get the money on the ground. Sending the money when it needs to be sent would already be a way of collaborating in a concrete way. How do you coordinate that, while respecting jurisdictions? Beyond jurisdiction, money is needed.
In a report tabled last November, the Canadian Mental Health Association showed that what is being done for mental health is insufficient. Of the $52 billion in health transfers, about $900 million is for mental health. In Quebec, the current health budget is $60 billion.
Why don't you send Quebec its fair share quickly, especially when it comes to the youth mental health fund? Why are there always problems on the federal government's side? The provinces don't owe you anything. Your responsibility is to transfer the money to the provinces, so that those responsible for taking care of people can do their job, unless you want to take responsibility for what is happening on the ground, but I don't think that's what you want.