I thank my colleague for her question.
In budget 2024, this government made a once-in-a-generation investment in our young people across the country, because we know that, when our young people thrive, Canada succeeds. The youth mental health fund is intended to invest in our young people and in the services and community organizations they trust in their communities to help them build resilience and to provide them with prevention tools and a tool kit for good mental health as young Canadians and as they move forward in life.
The fund will be supporting community mental health organizations from coast to coast to coast. Our consultations included youth across the country from indigenous communities, urban communities and marginalized and racialized communities, as well as newcomer Canadians, to ensure that we had the full breadth of understanding of what challenges our young people are facing today.
As minister—and, as I often say, as a mom—this is a critical point of service we're investing in for our young people, because we know that they need those supports, and we want to be there for them.