Unfortunately, there is this hidden curriculum within our educational agenda that we are taught by subspecialists. A big part of that comes from how compensation of our preceptors is given.
One thing we hear from our folks in Quebec, from the FMEQ, the student organization that represents the Quebec students, is that our family physicians are actually not compensated the same way as the specialty positions are in the province of Quebec, so there's less incentive for them to be part of teaching us. If we're not being taught by family doctors, how are we supposed to get excited? How are we supposed to get students excited about wanting to be family physicians?
As someone who loves family medicine, it's the only thing I've ever wanted to do, and as a military medical student I'm fortunate enough that I get to continue on that pathway. However, we need to support our physicians to be able to teach us, to get us excited about it. That's what we're not seeing, the support of our physicians who are out on the floor who are our educators.