Thank you, Dr. Peachey and Mr. Davies.
That concludes the time we have for questions, but I would ask my colleagues not to run off. We're going to thank our witnesses and then there are a couple of administrative matters I want to deal with very quickly.
To all of our witnesses, as has been said several times in this session, this has been an extremely thoughtful and informative discussion. We very much appreciate the way you have handled the questions, the depth of your experience and your willingness to share that with us. We are rapidly approaching the end of the witness testimony part of this study. As a couple of my colleagues have indicated, we could do this for another 10 hours, as every time you peel back the layer of the onion, there's something else there. Thanks again for being with us and for a very productive and interesting meeting.
Colleagues, there are two matters I want to raise with you. One, the committee has passed a motion with respect to the 988 suicide prevention line. The passage of that motion is on the record. Therefore, we are now in a position to receive briefs from the public, but we haven't done what we usually do, which is to specify a limit on those briefs. Traditionally our limit is 2,000 words. Is it okay with everyone if we let it be known that the limit for any briefs to be submitted with respect to that item is 2,000 words?
Mr. Barrett.