Thank you.
I'm pleased to be able to speak to the committee looking at the COVID-19 pandemic and the issues that have been raised. A number of them are very important.
One of the big issues that was raised was equity. There was inequity in the impact of the disease based on age. There was inequity in terms of vaccine access and acceptance. There was inequity in adherence to public health non-pharmaceutical measures. Also, we certainly saw a huge stretching of the health care systems across the country, some more seriously than others because of differences in the rates of the disease and the rates of vaccine acceptance across the country.
The WHO has recognized that one of the major problems we saw during this pandemic was the infodemic, the misinformation and disinformation, and it has had a huge impact on equity in terms of acceptance of public health measures and acceptance of vaccines. This has literally cost Canada millions and millions and millions of dollars.
We've done fairly well overall. If you look at Canada and COVID, compared to the U.S. we have about one-third the death rate per million. We are also better than the United Kingdom. We are around the rates for Israel, but we're not as good as Norway and a number of other countries.
I chaired at committee at the Royal Society of Canada, which issued report that looked at COVID vaccine acceptance. The framework was put forward and the executive summary was presented to you.
Vaccine acceptance is very complex. There are four domains that are in the framework as well as four themes, but in the domains, the usual ones we've always talked about are where people are in their place, their culture, their social societies and their organizations, but we've added the health care system, because it really mattered where the health care system was in terms of their practices and their policies, and in terms of the politics of what was going on during that time.
We also recognized immunization. It's the green box in the framework. The ability to access accurate and reliable knowledge was not the same across Canada and very clearly showed that we have a deficit in the ability of many in our population to think critically to be able to understand when somebody's trying to con them with misinformation and incorrect recommendations.
In the Royal Society of Canada report, there are a number of recommendations for the federal, provincial and territorial governments. In particular, I want to emphasize numbers 8, 10, 11 and 13.
Number 8 speaks directly to federal, provincial, territorial and indigenous governments, in asking that they “ensure that all aspects of all parts of the vaccination process”—and, I would reiterate, not just for COVID vaccines but for routine immunization, because not doing this costs us money as well—from approval of the vaccination programs to adherence to the “fundamentals that engender the development of trust”, are really understood. There's a table that goes with this in the full report.
Number 10 states “That all jurisdictions put laws in place that support the development and implementation of a National Immunization Framework that includes equitable access to vaccines” across our country, and this equitable access is for all—vulnerable minority groups, Blacks, indigenous people, persons of colour, children, the elderly, everyone—and that we adhere to the fundamentals that are important for that to happen, and that we support routine immunization across “all ages” and also support “immunization research”.
Number 11 states “That government departments, including departments of Health and Education” at the provincial and territorial levels, supported by the federal government, “work together to optimize immunization acceptance strategies.” This includes ensuring that we get critical-thinking education in our schools and, I would say, from grade 1 all the way through to high school and on to post-secondary education. Not doing this means that we are going to continue to be so susceptible to the infodemic, whether it's about health, climate change or even what provincial government party or federal government party is going to come in. There is so much misinformation out there.
The last one I wanted to emphasize is number 13, which is that federal, provincial, territorial and indigenous governments “aggressively support upgrading [the] electronic health information systems across [the] country to ensure” that all have “patient centred and fully integrated” health information systems.
Without this, we made a mess of trying to roll out and know who should get immunizations, who was at highest risk, because we simply didn't have that information. That's unacceptable in 2022, because we know how to do that.
Lastly, I want to say one other thing about our health care workers and those in public health. They have suffered significantly from what's called “moral injury”. They had to bear witness...and failed to be able to act in the way they wanted to act, because there was a failure to support them, to do what needed to be done to give the patients the care they wanted, whether they were patients in hospital or people in the community. That is just wrong.
To fix moral injury, it is not about giving them a wellness break and saying they are just burned out. No, it's about our institutions stepping up to support them, to give them what they need to be able to do the jobs they have been trained to do.
Thank you.