It has some of it, but it is not good against delta, for example. It's wimpy against delta, okay?
There are two phylogenetic trees that have come off: the omicron branch, blah, blah, blah, and the one that had alpha, beta and delta off of it. They are quite far apart in terms of what they're like. Omicron is not as “good” an antigen, antibody generator as the ones that were off Wuhan and the beginning one. They do better at stimulating neutralizing antibodies against the spike protein.
The problem is that with omicron, its variant a little bit, so the neutralizing antibodies aren't quite as good a fit as they would be for the original one. I'm trying to think if I can give you an analogy. You maybe have both winter boots and dress shoes, and the dress shoes fit tighter than your winter boots, if you don't put your shoes in those boots. It's kind of the same thing: They're sloppy, the fit from the Wuhan variant vaccine with the omicron variant, and because of that, it doesn't protect you as well.